Title update for SEO

Is the hivepress interacting with default browser title? I tried every method there is to change title of my website to boost SEO including:
-disabled and cleared every type of cache (multiple times)
-tried SEO plug-in (did not work)
-tried WP dashboard → settings → general title change (did not work)
-updating wp-options in mySQL database

UPDATE wp_optionsSEToption_value= 'new title test' WHEREwp_options.option_id = 3;

But NONE of these methods worked out… I tried contacting wordpress forum but they did not answer. My question is:
is hivepress included in this?


I thought hardcoding it directly in the database would work but turns out not quite!

I tried to search wp.head() beacause hivepress uses that (I guess) to fetch <title></title>
to display base meta title. I could not find the advertte name tho, or the reason it shows instead of the line it should have displayed. I also tried debugging with other wp-includes files or wp-content files but I can’t find the reason this stupid bug exists in the first place.

Some people that shared same problem saied it was some plug-in messing this up so I deactivated:
-email sending plug-in
-cookies plug-in
-contact form plug-in
-translation plug-in
-cache plug-in (for 1000th time…)
-SEO plug-in

I think I was left only with hivepress (and some of its extensions) and woocommerce (and related to it plug-ins like woo payments) I was worried I would mess up the customization i did disable it. But I guess hivepress is the reason this gllitch exists?

Let me know how you would solve this, maybe there is some magic method that can works like !important in CSS and can hard-code this into base SEO title. I’m losing my mind trying to raw code it or find the reason!!!


If you are referring to the title of the home page (the one that is displayed in the browser and in search results), then HivePress does not affect it in any way. We use the core WP function wp_head() – Function | Developer.WordPress.org and it displays the title based on WordPress Dashboard > General > Settings. That is, if this is a home page, then the title is the name of the site, and you can edit it in the WordPress Dashboard > General > Settings > Site Title.

But if it’s not a front page or a blog page, then the page title is from the editor, and if the two options don’t work, then it’s most likely the effect of caching or a third-party SEO plugin.

Also, please note that if you have changed the title and immediately checked in Google and nothing has changed, you need to wait for Google to reindex it.

​I hope this is helpful to you.

Hi andrii,

I mean its changed for 3 days now and google still displays it wrong. I did Google Search Console setup to help the process but it did nothing, When every plug-in that could interact with it was disabled and cache was cleared it also did nothing (the title in WP dasboard → General → Settings was updated).

I have seen that wordpress stores this value in the database wp_options table with id 3 (3rd one from the top) but in my DB it says advertte.com and SEO shows advertte which makes no sense and something is clearly wrong. After updating database from advertte.com to something like test1 the SEO title also does not change. Maybe it is a problem with hosting provider?

Okay, It just displayed proper message for no reason…
And it works like it should have!

I guess google was lazy for updating this, maybe the search console helped.