Uploaded demo content not working

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uploaded MeetingHive demo using the One Click Demo Import and the website looks nothing like the demo. please help!


​If this issue persists, please send temporary WP access to support@hivepress.io, and we will import the demo content for you. You can create a temporary access link using this plugin Temporary Login Without Password – WordPress plugin | WordPress.org


Thanks for your prompt response!

I just created an account with support@hivepress.io email for temporary access.

Please let me know if there’s anything else I need to do on my end.

Hi Andrii,

Did the temporary access work?


We have replied to your email.


I have sent an email! Did it work?


Yes, we have access to your website, but unfortunately, we have limited rights (we do not have full access). Most likely, the problem is that you have incorrect pages in WP Dashboard > Settings: If the Home page or Blog page is not displaying correctly, go to WordPress Dashboard > Settings > Reading section. In your homepage displays section, select Static Page , and specify Home for the Homepage and Blog for the Post page.

If the issue still exists, please provide full access to your site.