Vendor disappeared after creating new attribute (bug found?)

I’m having a strange behaviour that I’m partially able to replicate.
I added a new attribute to vendors. I set the attribute from the dashboard to a vendor using the admin account.
I switched to the vendor account settings. The new attribute appears not set. If i set it and then save, the vendor… disappears.
I can see only the user in the admin dashboard.
I reverted everything using a backup and retried a couple of times.
The first time I tried to set the attribute using the vedor account thinking about a possible permission mismatch but the problem happens anyway.
Another time I wasn’t able to replicate the problem.
How could I recover the vendor without using a backup? why this happens and how to avoid this?

The vendor is still present in but it isn’t anymore the the vendor list and in the vendor section of the dashboard.
In the admin dashboard, vendor’s listings are still present. I clicked on the author and the “publish” and the vendor reappeared.
Anyway how to avoid this behaviour?

the added attribute is a radio button. When I login as vendor, the radio button appears not selected but in admin dashboard there is the selection.

The problem is present also if I create a new vendor. I fill the fields, save, the page reloads but with all the fields empty.

I think that I isolated the problem.
It always happens when using status as slug of vendor’s attribute.
It never happens using another slug.

Thanks for reporting this, yes, if the attribute field names match the built-in fields (e.g. status, title, description) this may cause issues. I guess we’ll add some validation error for this to prevent saving attributes with reserved names.

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