Vendor not able to reply to review


We tested this locally and on your site, and we can’t reproduce the issue. All modal windows open, and both the review and the response are published correctly.

Hi Andrii,

Only when the vendor is the admin can they reply. Not if they’re non admininistrator.

In your local test you never assigned a listing to test as a vendor and then tried to reply, instead you only tested reply from administrator account.

That’s the problem.

I can’t make all my vendors admins to allow them to reply to comments.

This issue is resolved.

It turns out the issue was that when someone claims a listing or they’re manually given a listing, they’re still seen as a subscriber by the site (if they created their account before claiming) - this then doesn’t update.

If the user clicks claim listing, then signs up, their account becomes a contributor account and they can reply to comments.

So if you want people to claim their listings, make sure they’re set as contributors and not subscribers.

Alternatively you have to upgrade their role to subscriber and then they can reply to comments.

Maybe this can be fixed in a future release so anytime someone is added as a vendor, they’re automatically made a contributor without the need for you to do it manually?


I see. This is how it works by default. If a user adds at least one listing or registers via the direct register form How to add a vendor registration form - HivePress Help Center, they automatically get the Contributor role. If you add via the backend, then yes, you need to manually create a user and then a vendor.