It appears that a vendor is not able to reply to a review.
Current steps:
User posts a review
Admin approves
Email sent to vendor
Vendor clicks “reply” link
Expected action
Next step that is expected would be a pop up for the user to type a reply and enter (then trigger admin approval and publishing).
What currently happens
While the page loads and the vendor can read the review, the reply to review pop up does not present.
Testing/Problem Solving
Checked HivePress settings for Reviews and ‘Allow replying to reviews’ is ticked
Non HivePress and non-WordPress plugins deactivated
Tested on Chrome and Firefox on PC. Tested on Safari on phone
Tried going into Dashboard (rather than link from email)
Read lots of really exciting posts about potential for a vendor rating system
And…I am now stuck on what to do next.
I know replies work as I was logged in as a user (not vendor) on my phone (and not thinking because I am testing across admin/vendor/user processes), I clicked the ‘reply’ link to the vendor in my email. And the user was then able to reply. Admin approved in back end. Reply published. So, it just seems like vendors cannot post a reply.
Are you able to let me know if there is something else that I can do to try and fix this?
We checked this issue from our side, and it seems okay. Please disable third-party plugins and customizations (if there are any) and check if this issue persists. If you use a caching plugin, make sure that caching is disabled for logged-in users. Also, make sure you have the latest version of Reviews 1.3.2 and the latest version of the Marketplace extension 1.3.12.
Admin created listing
Assigned now to vendor (WP backend)
Vendor can now see reply button on reviews on listing but when they click the reply button they don’t get pop up.
For all other listings where admin is vendor, admin can see reply button and the pop up box also.
I have been doing more testing today and @onfleekuk, I think you helped work out the issue.
I log in as admin and create a listing, then assign it to a vendor. The vendor then logs in under their account, can update listing and see stats etc. However, they are not able to reply to reviews.
I log in as a vendor and create a listing, I am able to update listing and see stats etc. I am also able to reply to reviews.
So, it appears to only be an issue when admin creates the listing and then assigns it to a vendor.
Happy to do more testing as I need to check if it also happens when a vendor claims a listing created by admin… Happy to email through to support once I test the claim workflow as well.
Thanks for all your help.
And in reply to you @cotasson, no JS problems documented. Tested in a couple of browsers - thanks for the idea to check
Unfortunately, we were unable to reproduce this issue locally. If you are able to, please record a screencast of your actions step by step so that we can reproduce it on our end.
this is also the case for me as well. I switched the listing vendor back to me and i was able to reply to the review but when i switched it back to the correct vendor then logged in as them i couldn’t reply. the vendor also emailed me that they were having this issue logged in as themselves.
Thanks for looking into it - really appreciate the support you and the team provide.
I have done testing, and I too cannot replicate it on my site. At my end, reviews appear to be all good again. I tested on Firefox, Chrome and Edge the following:
Vendor makes listing, user posts review, vendor replies to review, and it all works
Admin makes listing, allocates to vendor, user posts review, vendor replies, and it all works
Admin makes listing, vendor claims, user posts review, vendor replies, and it all works
Between me logging the issue and doing testing, I had turned off all non ListingHive plugins that I could (including snippets and block editor lol that was fun when I returned to edit a page and it was all in html lol) and then I reactivated all of the plugins. Not sure if that had something to do with a ‘have you tried turning it off and on again’ scenario
@Bri or @onfleekuk are you able to do as Andrii suggests and record a screenshot of the actions step by step so Andrii and the team are able to investigate further? It will help as they can then see if there is something we are doing at our end, or they can also do the process and see if there is something across the board. I would be happy to but I can just not replicate the issue.
We checked this issue from our side, and it seems okay. In your video, the modal window does not open, I recommend disabling third-party plugins, customizations, and clearing the cache. Also, there may be a blocking by your hosting provider, so check their settings or contact their support.