Vendor replies to Reviews issue?


I’ve seen some discussion about the vendor replying to the reviews functionality and it is unclear if it has been enabled or not in the latest update, but I’m seeing this behavior:

I played around with all the settings (enable comments, WP Admin → HivePress → Reviews settings etc), and the “vendor reply to review” functionality only works when:

I delete all the products in the WP Admin → Product menu.

When all of them are deleted, vendor is able to post replies to the reviews without getting the “Only buyers are allowed to post reviews” error message. After that, when a vendor replies to a review, his reply is posted and interestingly, that specific product appears again in the WP Admin → Products list.

That seems like a bug. Can anyone in the know shed a bit of a light on this “vendor replies to reviews” functionality?

Thanks in advance,


We recommend not deleting products in WooCommerce. Yes, we know this bug and plan to fix it in the next update.

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