How can I make the listing as Verified or if possible to mark the Vendor as verified. I am unable to find a setting for this but have seen it somewhere but can’t figure it out now. Thanks for helping
To make a vendor “Verified” simply go to the WP Dashboard > Vendors section, pick a vendor you want and mark it as “verified”.
Listings cannot be verified but can be featured with the free HivePress Paid Listings extension.
That’s great thank you.
Can you also advise please is it possible for the person uploading the details on the listing form, to save the form for editing later before finally publishing the listing? Currently it will only allow publish.
Unfortunately there’s no such draft option yet, but if you fill in all the details and save changes, with at least 1 required field missing then a draft will be stored anyway, including the uploaded images, but it’s not reliable enough and stored for about 48 hours.
I need a bit further help please.
How can I make the first name, last name, profile image required - #4 by andrii I used the php code to make the person who is the vendor or in my case a guardian, photo as mandatory, before they can load a profile.
PROBLEM I FACE: Sometimes we get listing without the Vendor loading their photo. This should not happen as the above code should have set it mandatory/required.
WHAT IS HAPPENING: When a vendor creates a new account, he gets email auto-notification to confirm their account before they are allowed to add a listing. When they click the verification link, a new account is created for vendor, on the website. At this stage they have to add their first name, last name, location and with above php code (if it works correctly) to add their photo. If they try to not add a profile photo but hit save button, and then click the Add Listing button, the system then creates an account without them having added their profile photo. Ideally, they should not be able to add a listing until loaded their photo.
How can this be resolved that system should not proceed further until the Vendor has added their photo, even though they click Add Listing button having only completed partly Vendor details. The system fails to stop this happening. As a result this we have to chase people to add their photo, before we approve their listing.
Can you please review this may be the above link with the php codeon that page may need little tweaking??
Thanks for your support and great help. We would also love to submit our site for showcase as made with hivepress
If I understand you correctly, please check the similar topic: Make image required for vendors only - #4 by yevhen
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