When I apply filter only featured listings are shown

Hi, When I have a filter in the sidebar or search by keyword, only listings or ads that are marked as featured ads are shown. I can’t find how to solve this because I think I didn’t touch anything, and it is important to differentiate advertisers but have them show up in the filters.
Is it a bug or does something need to be done?



Please provide more details regarding this issue (e.g., your actions step by step with screenshots, etc.). This will help us to reproduce and resolve the issue faster. Also, please send us a link to your website so that we can review it in more detail.

Hello, I’m sending you a link to the website. On the directory screen, there are notable companies, and then others that are not, they all have the attributes marked, for example, the most common is "laminate flooring. suelo laminado) " We mark it in the filters and when filtering, only the featured


If you tried disabling all third-party plugins and customizations, it’s more likely a filter issue. Please try setting all filter attributes to unpublish and check if the search works correctly. After that, turn on one attribute at a time, and you will be able to find out which one is causing this issue.

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