Where to find devs familiar with HivePress

Developers don’t want to work with HivePress themes, i have been looking for a developer to customize TaskHive theme for the last 2 days and they all rejects it (over 20), they say the theme is bad for customizing and such, i even contacted a web design agency as the last choice and i got this response from them :

Please note that we have worked with hivepress before and I would like to let you know that it’s a pain to customize hivepress. The theme is built on a very less known php library and the theme doesn’t follow any wordpress theme coding standards.

And to be honest i don’t know how to move forward anymore, anyone has any suggestion that would be really helpful because i run out of options.

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as a developers perspective it’s true,
even for who are already proficient in PHP
it take a week to understand code pattern and framework,
and maybe this learning curve is pain and not worth it for some programer,
but actually for some parts of the theme,
if you have found the pattern, the theme is quite easy to customize,
even for beginners, they just have to replace
the part of the theme file that they want to change.
and However, if you look for it in the right place,
maybe you will find it easily,
I mean a more specific place like this forum.

Even my developer is suggesting to change the experthive theme and go for service finder as he says that it is difficult to customise experthive and add necessary features. Also, the feel and look is not that appealing.

Do you have any recommendations for devs in this forum ?
Thank you

Two devs said the same thing to me, they said its better to go for different theme as i might counter issues in the future if i want to add some customizations.
i think i might switch if i didnt find solution.

some devs offer customizations in this forum like @colins, etc…
iam building same project with taskhive,
or you can contact me on telegram @rLab if you need help…
if you go for different theme sure you will facing more complex thing
and long route to do,
I have tried before with tas**ot, proje_ts, wo___ell_service, even with custom laravel from codecanyon script, and i found taskhive is better in terms of flow

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Sorry if you had a hard time finding devs. We tried to make the most versatile directory/marketplace framework for WordPress and it indeed allows you to customize almost anything, while keeping customizations outside of the theme/plugin folder to receive future updates without any issues. This also makes maintenance much easier in the long run. Proprietary themes like Service Finder may be simply removed from ThemeForest later, while our themes are based on the open-source framework listed on WordPress.org and we’re trying to build a community around our products, collecting code snippets, providing dev guidance, etc.

Yes, there’s no 100% coverage in the dev docs yet (we have big plans for building a developer network familiar with HivePress though), but if you find a developer familiar with customizing themes/plugins it’s really easy to customize, even hooks have intuitive naming. For example, it can be customized in the same way as WooCommerce, using hooks or overriding templates, and we strictly follow the WordPress coding standards.

We also have a developer fully familiar with HivePress (he previously worked in our team), and we’ll add his profile to our HivePress Experts program, it should be launched within 2 weeks or less.

Hope this helps.

Have you got a dev? If not yet, I’m available…
contact me on telegram @rLab

Hi @tharlab I sent you a telegram message about 2 or 3 days ago, I have some customisation work that needs doing and was seeing if you could help please

While changing titles that showcase a problem in our products.

We’re trying to make the topics helpful for those searching for solutions, the title “It’s impossible to find devs” didn’t seem helpful, so I changed the title to make it clear that this is a topic where it’s possible to share or find the dev contacts.

Yes, our plugin is not as popular as WooCommerce so not all devs are familiar with it and some may refuse to customize it, choosing projects based on solutions they know instead (WooCommerce, ACF, and so on). What we do or plan to do regarding this:

  • Develop the framework and make it as customizable as possible
  • Improve the developer docs, code references, API references
  • Provide general guidance about customizations on this forum
  • Launch the dev affiliate program to build the community
  • Launch the HivePress Experts program to recommend devs

Hope this helps


I have found developrs in India who are carrying out minor customizations to my hivepress theme. I think, it is one of the best and most neatly laid out, no nonsense and absolutely functional theme. With committed people like Ihor, andrii and their team, I am sanguine that it will be the Go To theme in future. I am sure that with the planned updates and the roadmap, which will be released in near future, current issues will be resolved and essential functionalities will be added. I repose my absolute faith in Hivepress team and I know that they will deliver !


I checked out a lot of different themes before choosing HivePress, and I was impressed by the documentation, the community, and the customer support. When looking for a theme or plugin, I ask myself if it will still be available in a couple of years. I saw some themes that I really liked, but I could barely get anyone to answer basic questions. I don’t think any theme is going to be perfect; There are always good and bad reviews. Taking all that into consideration, I think the HivePress team does a great job with this theme, and I am looking forward to all the new features on the roadmap and some of the improvements they listed.

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Thanks for the kind words! @satwinder @luna This really inspires our team.

We’ve just finished assembling a roadmap for HivePress itself and 18 extensions, you can find it in the header menu and on the corresponding extension pages.

Hi Ihor,

  1. When we select paid listings, claim listings, favorites, messages, geolocation and reviews on extention page, wordpress page opens. Where can we see the roadmap for these extensions/plugins?

  2. I have gone through the roadmap of other extensions and I think most of the aspects are being addressed.



Yes, we will add the link in the next updates. For now, I recommend that you check them out here:

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