Which Hivepress theme should I use in combination with extensions to do this

I want my Wordpress site to offer:

  • paid membership (Membership extension)
  • paid classified ads (Paid Listings extension)
  • customised profiles (directory of therapists, which can either be a customised Membership Profile within the Membership extension OR a customised Vendor Profile within the Paid Listings extension)

Should I use a basic Wordpress theme or one of the HivePress themes as the basis, then add extensions?
How should I set this up?

Thanks in advance for your guidance.


We recommend using any HivePress theme, as we cannot guarantee 100% compatibility with third-party themes Compatibility with third-party themes - HivePress Help Center

​I hope this is helpful to you.

In order to have the following features, do you recommend ListingHive or ExpertHive as the theme?

  • paid membership (Membership extension)
  • paid classified ads (Paid Listings extension)
  • customised profiles (directory of therapists, which can either be a customised Membership Profile within the Membership extension OR a customised Vendor Profile within the Paid Listings extension)

Is it possible to have all of these on one site?

Thank you very much.


Yes, you can use any extension with any of our themes. I recommend testing these two themes in more detail, as they differ in both design and functionality, they are for different niches.

Is it possible to have all of this functionality on one site? Is it possible to have a directory of professionals on a site with ListingHive theme?


Yes, this is possible, but it will require additional custom implementation, so purchasing a theme, such as ExpertHive or TaskHive will be easier.

Good, this is my plan. But I’m currently using ListingHive as the main theme. Is that okay or should I switch to ExpertHive, please? (I’ve asked for three years if Hive team can help me with this implementation and it has not been available to do so. Please let me know if this has changed or someone reading this has done it before and can help.)
Thank you.


Unfortunately, we do not accept customization requests yet, so the easiest option is to purchase another theme.

Yes, I know. Can you please answer my question ~ can I accomplish all I want with ListingHive or should I use experthive?
This is what I’ve been trying to understand.


Yes, this is possible, but it will require additional custom implementation, so purchasing a theme, such as ExpertHive or TaskHive, will be easier.

Okay, so I CAN have classified ads (listings), a directory of business people (profiles) and a paid membership model with ListingHive, BUT it will require more customization than using Experthive. So I should switch to Experthive.

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