WooPay Express Checkout with ApplePay and GooglePay

Hi there,
is there a way to integrate Express Checkout with HivePress (ExpertHive)?
I have activated the Google Pay option, but I don’t see it anywhere during checkout.


Please note that WooPayments is not integrated with HivePress, so it may not work properly. We are currently integrated with WooCommerce, so if you have the Marketplace extension installed, I recommend checking out this doc How to start accepting payments - HivePress Help Center

Ok. But on that page it says:
" This extension is integrated with the WooCommerce plugin for accepting and processing payments. To set up the available payment methods, please go to the WooCommerce > Settings > Payments section and follow these instructions."
WooPayments is part of the Woocommerce plugin, which is why I believe it should work no?


Unfortunately, WooPayments will not work in this way, as it is not a payment method, but an additional extension for WooCommerce with its own functionality (like Marketplace for HivePress). For it to work correctly with our extensions, it would require a custom integration.

Ok, thanks Andrii.
I deactivated WooPayments again, but for some reason WooCommerce now doesn’t recognize the installed Stripe payment option even though it is active. Could there be a conflict?

WooCommerce suggested me to install the standard Stripe plugin, will that work with Hivepress? https://woo.com/products/stripe/


Yes, you can use Stripe for accepting payments, please check this doc How to start accepting payments - HivePress Help Center

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