Would like to hire internally before going off board

Summary - I need help changing attribute css (likely with “additional css”). Prefer to hire someone from the community vs someone outside i.e. fiverr. {Support my home team first.}

I am going in circles, I have never been great with CSS (never needed to be in many cases), but I need some help with hivepress additional css.

I am trying to change the styling on pages’ attributes and honestly have read, tried, experimented into absolute confusion.

I desperately need to solve this before I go officially live with my project, so I will resort to hiring someone to show me how to do it once for changing attributes with additional css. Once I understand how to make it work, it will be easy from there.

Thank you, John Carter

Hi John, e-mail me your contact info & I’ll try to help. Aqmiami7@gmail.com Andreas

I will post here in case anyone else needs help with this CSS code:

.hp-listing--view-page .hp-listing__attributes--primary .hp-listing__attribute.hp-listing__attribute--dine-honored-discount,
.hp-listing--view-page .hp-listing__attributes--secondary .hp-listing__attribute.hp-listing__attribute--custom-attribute-name-here {
  background-color: lime;
  font-size: 14px;
  font-weight: bold;

.hp-listing--view-block .hp-listing__attributes--primary .hp-listing__attribute.hp-listing__attribute--custom-attribute-name-here,
.hp-listing--view-list .hp-listing__attributes--secondary .hp-listing__attribute.hp-listing__attribute--custom-attribute-name-here {
  background-color: lime;
  font-size: 14px;
  font-weight: bold;

I’d be glad to help, but we don’t offer customization services yet. We’re currently collecting applications to launch the Experts program Experts | HivePress or you can try using Fiverr (search for “theme CSS” services there) https://fvrr.co/32e7LvY

@aqmiami7 If you have a Fiverr or Upwork profile, you can submit your application to the Experts program. You’re most likely an expert after providing so many solutions on the forum:)

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