WPML Support

I just buy WPML pro plugin and I have problems translating the theme elements.
There is no translation support for wpml ?

Yes, currently there’s no 100% integration with WPML. It’s possible to translate static strings, but there may be issues for dynamic content like listings and categories.

Exactly. I have problems with the dynamic content like categories, listings and buttons

Unfortunately there’s no easy way to resolve this, especially if you have user-generated content (e.g. listings), users will not be able to translate their listings via the front-end form and it would be hard to force them to keep the translation up-to-date. I recommend some automatic plugins like Google Translate (e.g. translate everything to primary language using Loco Translate, and use Google Translate switcher for other languages) or using separate subdomains for different language versions of the same site.

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