Add video player section to submit listing page

Hi, we managed to add a video attachment field by using attributes from the dashboard but now we would like to add a video player or box to play video which we’ll embed from the backend for users to play and watch.

Thank you!


You need to add a video tag to the attribute display format, please check this doc HTML video src Attribute

Ok so here is SS for backend page where we have setup upload video option. We added a video tag in Display Format but not working.


Please use this display format instead:

[video url="%value%"]

Hi, Thank you for this. But still, we are unable to set video player to play video on submit listing page.


​Please send more details about the issue, and we will do our best to help you.

ohk, So attached is our Listing Submission page where users can submit a listing and this is the link: /submit-listing/details/.

Now we would like to add a video player on this page to play video (we’ll setup a link from the backend) for users about some instructions while filling out this submission form. NOTE: We don’t want input for this video player, just want to display/show the video so the user can click and watch the video and we’ll set the link from the backend.

But issue is, attributes not working to get required result.

Thank you!


If you mean adding a video player to the form page, I recommend overwriting the Add Listing (Details) template. Please check this doc How to customize templates - HivePress Help Center. And add any custom content, before or after the form.

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