YouTube video not being added to listings

Hello HivePress!

I had another basic question… Just trying to add video to each one of my listings and I’m having a very hard time adding it where it will actually show up. I’m able to add the “Attribute” just fine, and it shows up, however, when I copy a Youtube URL and paste it in… the video never plays for me. What am I doing wrong?

I see this option you gave to another user, here on, however, its’ not working either.
Add video player section to submit listing page

I can send you my log in details, privately, if you want me to ?

My site that I’m building out is,



Please use the embed attribute field type instead of the URL field type and change the display format from [video url=“%value%”] to %value%.
Also, please note that we respond to requests within 24 hours, so I recommend checking this policy Support Policy | HivePress

​I hope this is helpful to you.

Hi Andrii,

Thank you for your assistance! It’s very much appreciated!

Whenever I use %value% it does place the video on the listing page, however, it’s not placing the video in the correct area on the listing page. Here’s a few screenshots to show you what it looks like whenever I embed the correct value.

Whenever I add the URL directly into the Listing Page description, it looks perfect. But, that doesn’t allow the Vendor to add it correctly at the time of signing up and setting up their listing.

What would you recommend to fix this? I don’t have any third party plugins or anything added to my site… just the plugins that came with ExpertHive. I’m going to email you ( my site credentials for you to have a look and fix this if possible.

FYI… I changed my domain name from: to I now have forwarded to, in case you were wondering.

Thank you for your help!


Please provide more details, what exactly do you mean by the attribute is not placed correctly? You have specified the Page (secondary) display area, and accordingly, the attribute is displayed in this area, as shown in the example in this doc How to add listing attributes - HivePress Help Center
If you mean the order of the attribute, you can change it in Listings > Attributes > and specify the order on the right sidebar.

Hey Andrii!

Thank you for your assistance!

Whenever I “list the attributes in order from, 1. Video, 2. Warranty, 3. Availability, 4. Hourly Rate” the video on mobile is all stretched out to the right and doesn’t fit in the space (please see images below taken from my iPhone.)

Post Attribute Order is set to “1” for Video
Display Area, page is set to (secondary)
(I want the Video to be at the bottom on the left side of the “listing page” not on the top of the listing page.)

I’m not sure what I’m doing wrong.

Here’s a mobile screenshot of what it looks like.

Here are the setting from my desktop/tablet view.

I would really appreciate it if you could log in to my site and see what the problem is. I sent you a login link a few days ago in the previous email.

Thank you for all of your assistance!



Please check the solution in this topic Embedded Youtube Video Attribute on mobile - #5 by anesh1987

​I hope this is helpful to you.

Hi Andrii,

No, this code doesn’t work. The instructions here are for your Rental Theme… I don’t see where the “Theme Editor” is at per the directions… and I don’t see a “brush to click on,” When I add this code here > Customize > Addtional CSS and add this code:


It makes the Youtube video very small on the desktop and it’s not aligned properly on mobile.
Below is a picture of what it looks like using the code above on my desktop.

Also, whenever I try to move the video to the “bottom of the listing” by arranging the “Post Order” inside the listing page (1. Hourly Rate, 2. Warranty, 3. Availability, 4. Video”) the video never is added to the bottom… it stays at the top of the listing no matter what I try.

Can you please log into my site and help me to get this resolved? Please help me get this fixed.

Thank you,


Unfortunately, additional CSS tweaks are required here, or if you want to add a full-screen video, you need a PHP snippet. As an alternative, you can add the youtube url to the beginning or end of the description listing, and you will have it in full screen.


Thank you for your reply.

Can you give me the CSS so that I can add the video to the end of the description and that way, whenever someone is filling out the listing information when they’re signing up, they’ll be able to add their video and it’ll show up at the end of their description as well.



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