in WP Dashboard > Appearance > Widgets, we can add custom widgets to the listing page sidebar, but for Booking sidebar the custom widget we added isn’t showing on the front end.
Also, in WordPress customizer > widget, it shows a widget on the current page it’s viewing (as it is supposed to), but on the booking page it shows there isn’t a widget
we also tried to rebuild the booking page in hivepress > template, but it doesn’t have the widgets for the booking page.
or if you can provide how to add text to be shown on the booking page, which is partially explained in this post, but it’s different and the last recommendation in the post doesn’t work as explained above. Customize the booking block and page
If the booking page is rebuilt in HivePress/Templates, please make sure that you also added the Widgets block from the Template block category, it should output any widgets you add to the Booking sidebar in Appearance/Widgets. Also, if you rebuilt this template you can simply add a custom block directly to the sidebar column instead of using widgets.
but the hivepress temples to make a custome template doesn’t have the widgets for the booking detail page. as I already wrote.
please address this bug issue: Also, in WordPress customizer > widget, it shows a widget on the current page it’s viewing (as it is supposed to), but on the booking page it shows there isn’t a widget
can you provide the html template we can use to input with a snippet plugin that supports HTML, to add HTML text on the bottom of the booking detail page sidebar?
if you can update this ticket when the issue with adding a widget WP Dashboard > Appearance > Widgets, to the booking detail page doesn’t show on the front end gets fixed
The available Bookings update will be displayed in Dashboard > Updates. Also, updates will be published on the forum, such as this one Bookings 1.5.0 - #6