Allow users to delete their account

Hi there,

Is it possible to let users delete their own account? I, unfortunately, can’t find it anywhere.



hello, yes it is an option that is included automatically, it can be disabled if desired. You can find it in registered user account settings below.

Hi. Thanks for your fast response. It must be switched off in my case. Unfortunately, I can’t find this option. Can you please be more specific with where to find the option? I checked the Wordpress settings, User → Profile, HivePress → Settings → Vendors and HivePress → Settings → Users. I don’t know where else to look. Thanks.

you must create an account then in the profile in settings, scroll down there is the button delete your account. through css code you eliminate this possibility. sorry for the mistakes but i’m using google translate


Deleting an account is possible.

This option can be found on the front-end, in Account > Settings.

Hope it helps.

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