Booking attributes from other categories are required

The booking attributes that I created for specific categories are required in another category that I excluded from the attribute… It shouldn’t be so
it is not related to this category and it is not even displayed in the form. It also prevented me from requesting the booking



We have not been able to reproduce this problem on our side, if you create a booking attribute and specify a certain category for it, it will be displayed on the add details page only if the listing is in this category.

Please provide more details so that we can reproduce the issue from our side (your actions step by step, what exactly you create, and where exactly the issue is displayed).

The field error that I highlighted in the image above is an attribute field I have set for some other categories and not this category in the screenshot.
I set the attribute as editable and required in the front end.

I am not able to send the booking request because it says this field is required but the field is not even displayed or editable in this category because I did not set it for this category and am getting this error…

It’s happening with all the attributes I set for different categories as editable and required in the front end.

Basically, I keep getting this “required field” error message in different bookings forms for attributes that I have set as required even when they are not included in the category of the listing I am booking for

This has been complained about before

Update please…currently nothing can be booked.

It seems that this issue was fixed before. If it is possible, please send temporary WP access to with details for reproducing this issue, and we’ll check it. You can create a temporary access link using this plugin Temporary Login Without Password – WordPress plugin |

I have removed the required fields. You can close this thread

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