Hi there,
I now with a snippet I can activate multiple categories on the back-end, but the snippet does not work for the front-end. How can I activate that as well?
And I have already found the thread but it only solves the backend for me.
Ah I think this solves it.
How can I use this for vendors as well?
This seems to work, but when I select a 2nd category it does not take it and updates the field but returns the previous single selection. Also going from a subcategory to a parent category deletes the previous selection.
I only have this problem on the front-end.
I managed by adding
unset( $form[‘fields’][‘categories’][‘attributes’][‘data-multistep’] );
to the snippet:
function( $form ) {
$form['fields']['categories']['multiple'] = true;
unset( $form['fields']['categories']['attributes']['data-multistep'] );
return $form;
So question is only how I can add this for vendors as well.
Please use this PHP snippet for backend:
function( $form ) {
$form['fields']['categories']['multiple'] = true;
return $form;