Display name text field useless

When I (as a user) try to change my display name, it just defaults to either username or first name (whatever is set under Hivepress-Users-Display)

Why even have the option for users to type in a display name in “My Account” if it just reverts back to the preset settings?

Is there not a way to have a custom display name?

Hi! Read this post: If there's an option for "Nickname" under HivePress/Settings/Users/Display, it would be great

I don’t see the point of that tutorial?

I did everything and now users must create a username upon signing up or edit their username under profile settings.

But it’s still their unchangeable “display name” that shows on all listings, I don’t even see where the username is showing?

Your last question in your first post: “Is there not a way to have a custom display name?” In the post, what I linked for you, a user asked the same question, how to display a custom name, instead of the generated name. If you followed the steps in that tutorial, your users now have an extra field: Nickname or Name and this will be the displayed name of your users, while the generated name will be hidden. I’am sorry if this is not solving your question, maybe you need an official support, because I’m just a user, as you. Have a nice day!

Ah ok I will email support. The solution you provided allows users to type a username but it doesn’t display it anywhere lol. I appreciate the help though.

Yes, if you not follow the steps correctly, it doesn’t display: show in areas: block-secondary, page-secondary

"Fabricator, thank you. It worked perfectly.

Additionally, I have hidden the user profile name on the page.
.hp-vendor–view-page .hp-vendor__name {display:none;}"

I thought that if it worked for me and others, it would work for you. Excuse me again…

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Is the hidden user profile code meant to be pasted in appearance → Customize → Custom CSS?

it won’t work.

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