Does a Roadmap include the bugs fixing?

Thanks for publishing your roadmap.

Does it include all the bugs you are going to fix or is it just new features you’re adding?

For example I see no reference to the bug that credits a vendor with a free listing every time admin changes the order status to “complete” in Woocommerce:

In October @ihor said:

Currently we’re working on the public roadmap with estimates for HivePress and each extension, it will be completed next week. Once we define the releases queue it will be possible to provide an ETA for Paid Listings, we’ll also try to provide a temporary fix if possible.

It was first acknowledged as a bug 1 year ago in February of 2023.

This impacts all three of my JobHive sites.

Also doesn’t appear to be any mention of this one:

Or anything about the SEO plug in changes for jobListing schema:


Yes, the first two you can find here: Paid Listings Roadmap (01/03/2024) – Asana
Regarding the Schema bug, you can find it here: SEO Roadmap (01/03/2024) – Asana

​I hope this is helpful to you.

Thanks Andrii - I didn’t realise there were plugin specific roadmaps.

Will the roadmaps be updated as tasks are completed?

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We’ll be updating our roadmap according to new releases.

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