Enabling Multiple Selection for Category Field in listing frontend

Hello HivePress Community,

I am trying to enable the multiple selection functionality for the category field in listing forms on HivePress. Despite adjusting the listing model settings to allow for multiple selections and using plugins like “Code Snippets” and “Insert Headers and Footers,” I can’t get this option to appear in the user interface.

So far, I have modified the settings to allow the category field to accept multiple selections and have tried to ensure all changes are correctly implemented, but the option to select more than one category when creating or editing a listing still does not appear.

Has anyone faced a similar issue or could offer some advice on what else I might check or modify to resolve this?

I appreciate any help or suggestions you can provide.

Thank you in advance.


Please note that if you use the snippet at this link Add multiple category selection support to the back-end form, it will provide access to select multiple categories from the backend, from the frontend there will still be only one category selection. Unfortunately, there is no simple solution for this, it will require advanced customization.

​I hope this is helpful to you.

"Hi Andrii,

Thank you for the quick response and the information. I appreciate the link and the clarification regarding the backend functionality.

I understand that enabling multiple category selection on the frontend requires advanced customization. Could you perhaps guide me on where to start with this customization or if there are any resources or documentation that could help me tackle this modification myself? Any further guidance would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks again for your help!

For the front-end, please try the code snippet suggested here RentalHive - Allow multiple categories to be selected in the List a Property Form - #6 by yevhen