Featured Listing showing twice if the site has two languages

Steps to reproduce

Activate Hivepress featured listings, Activate Translatepress and set another language (e.g. Italian). Set Italian language in the website, go to the search bar and if you search listings, featured ones will be shown twice. If setting again English languge everithing is ok.

I fixed your code XD.
You need to add on line 330/331 (after getting the listing) of the /plugins/hivepress/includes/blocks/class-listing.php this code:

if(in_array($listing->get_id(), (hivepress()->request->get_context( 'featured_ids', [] )))){


Unfortunately, there’s no 100% integration with WPML (multi-language) in this version.

Please try following the suggestions regarding multi-language integration here: Integration with WPML - #6 by ihor.

But thank you for the solution, it will be useful for our community.

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