File attachments not available after purchasing

I’m having the same issue I’ve seen posted by several other users here: I’ve made file attachments optional since only certain categories would use them on my site, however, even if the file attachment is added to the listing, when the buyer makes the purchase, no attachment comes through.

Steps to reproduce

I’ve created a test listing with attachment file here: Printable Art - gigd
There’s an automatic discount on the product, so it can be purchased at no cost)

Actual result - Customer receives no file when purchase is completed.

Expected result - I would think customer would have an immediate download.

Extra details

I disabled “require manual delivery” as I thought that might be interfering, but even after that, there is still no automatic file downloaded to the buyer account.

Am I missing something?

Thank you again for your assistance.


We recommend that you review the recommendations we provided in these topics:

​I hope this is helpful to you.

Thank you so much. The issue was with the WooCommerce settings. I appreciate the direction.

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