Hide filter form and display on button click

Hi, i need help :frowning: I would like the filter form in the desktop version to be similar to the mobile version, i.e. it expands after clicking the icon. Currently it is an automatically expanded list.
There is a possibility?

I need the filtering menu not to be all visible but to increase when a button is pressed. Just like in the mobile version. Maybe someone knows other solutions to reduce the size occupied by the filter menu.

Someone already wrote about it, but found no help:

Please try this CSS snippet to start, but please note that it can require further customization. If you are not familiar with the code customization then please consider hiring someone for custom work https://fvrr.co/32e7LvY

.hp-template--listings-view-page .hp-button--mobile.hp-button--listing-filter{
	display: inline-block !important;

.hp-template--listings-view-page aside{
	display: none !important;

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