How to add regions to menus

I have a problem with adding some menu items with hivepress.

I have 2 websites. For one, it’s working well. For example, if i want to add a region menu item i can select it :

But with my other website, the region is empty :

In menu region of hivepress backend, i have some region :

So Why is empty in menu section ?

And is the same with some attributes. I have 3 attributes, but in menu section i can see only 1…

It is possible to force hivepress to add this in menu of WordPress ?
Thank you in advance !


Please note that regions are generated automatically after entering the address in the Location field for the listing and are displayed only in Listings > Regions. That is, they do not have such a widget. If you have created Regions attributes manually in Listings > Attributes, then it will not work this way; it will require a custom implementation. However, we plan to add this feature in future updates.

​I hope this is helpful to you.

Thank you for your awnser, but I don’t understand why with my first website it’s working well with regions and all of the attributes. I can choose anything to add it in menu section of WordPress.

For my second website, i can’t do it. Why is different ?
I know that regions are generated automatically, and if you see my capture, there are some regions . So, why i can’t find it on the wordpess menu ?

And it’s the same for some attribute.
There is an example :

I have this attribute. So i would like to add it in wordpress menu.

And you can see that i can’t found it in menu section. It only possible to add 1 of all my attributes (les services “doux”)


This is because on the site where you can manually select them, they are created as a custom Select attribute in Listings > Attributes, and on the other site they are generated automatically through the Geolocation extension. If you need to manually add them, then create the same listing attribute.

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I’m sorry, i can’t awser to my initial post here : How to add regions to menus - #4 by andrii but my problem is still here.

My goal : create a listing menu with generated location.

So, i have in region menu this listing, autogenerate with mapbox location :

But, i don’t have an element menu in wordress to create a menu :

I know that is possible because on my other website i can choose it, with generate mapbox location. I can create a menu with it,

In my other webstite : (and is not an attribute)

Can you help me to resolve it ?

Salut !

You probably have to activate a checkbox in the tab in the top right corner of your menu settings page.

I think it’s called “screen options” (Or “options d’affichage” in your case).

Tu me dois un pastis. :face_savoring_food:

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Mais noooon ! :sweat_smile: Effectivement, c’était sous mon nez… Un grand merci à toi pour m’avoir aiguillé :slight_smile: Au plaisir de t’offrir un pastis !
Indeed, it was under my nose… A big thank you to you for pointing me in the right direction :slight_smile: Looking forward to offering you a pastis! :star_struck:

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