How to display the messages menu item even if there are no messages

Good afternoon, developers, please advise me of a specialist who can make the “favorites, message, my ad” pages open even if there is no content with the message (for example, favorites have not been added) I spent more than one month looking for a specialist in Fiverr, but unfortunately no one succeeded with this task or could you do it for a fee?

Question 2, I noticed that it is necessary to indicate the ad limit for the free package, how can I make this item not required for selection?

2nd question, I understand that this does not apply to your support and perhaps you will have an update with a fix, but please tell me what I should do, could you do this for a fee?


  1. Unfortunately, we are currently not accepting new customization requests, so we cannot help with this implementation. Regarding the developers, please check this topic: Where to find devs familiar with HivePress

  2. The listing limit is mandatory for all packages. To make this field optional, you will need a custom implementation.

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