Import extension not importing radio button attribute

I have an attribute called “Available” It is type “radio button” with 3 options: No, Yes, See Notes.

When I try to use the importer, no matter what value I put in the CSV, it never applies it to the import. I have a handful of other attributes which appear to be ignored too. What am I doing wrong?

It would be really helpful if the import extension also provided an export then I wouldn’t feel like I’m guessing so much.


We recommend upgrading to the extension’s latest version, as the export feature is available there.

I’m on version 1.1.1. I see the new version is 1.2.0. WordPress isn’t giving me an upgrade option. Do I have to repurchase it?


You need to add the license key of this extension in HivePress > Settings > Integrations > HivePress Store > License Keys, then you will be able to update the new version of this extension.

I have my 3 license keys there. Each is on a separate line. But I don’t have an upgrade option. Is there something else I need to try?


Please send temporary WP access to with details for reproducing this issue, and we’ll check it (please send only the link, without login and password). You can create a temporary access link using this plugin Temporary Login Without Password – WordPress plugin |

I cannot because the site is behind a VPN. They’d have to create VPN access and you’d have to install special VPN software. I could get on a zoom session and screen share with you. I can ask about VPN access. It took me 3 days to get the VPN working.

I’m not the first with this issue. How did others get resolved?


Sorry for the inconvenience. Unfortunately, the import functionality depends on max_execution_time in the current version. So the only possible solution is to increase the max_execution_time parameter value to upload more listings simultaneously. But we will fix it in future updates.

I’ve been able to map these attributes to the columns in my csv. However, no data gets imported. I’ve increased the max_execution_time without success.

I have noted that sometimes when I’m editing a listing that these attributes also do not save.

What could be happening here? Something that seems like it should have been easy is becoming very challenging.

Just tried an update and still none of the attributes populated. I massaged the data to make sure there were no ampersands in the data. I don’t find any special characters. The importer acts like it is loading then it doesn’t.

I deleted all listings. Tags and attributes remain in the setup. I then imported from the csv. All 247 listings were entered but none of the attributes populated. I then exported to get the ids associated with the listings and added those ids to the csv then performed an “update” import and some of the attributes populated. Radio buttons like “Available” shown in the picture above do not populate. Tags will not populate.

Thank you for waiting. We can not reproduce this issue locally. Please send temporary WP access to with details for reproducing this issue and we’ll check it. If it is possible please send the CSV file with some examples of similar data which you have tried to import. You can create a temporary access link using this plugin Temporary Login Without Password – WordPress plugin |

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