Incorrect Calculation of Vendor Balance on Dashboard and incorrect display of Vendor Commission on Vendor Order Page after Full Refund

Continuing the discussion from Refunds and Vendor commission not being calculated properly:

Dear Andrii,

Request respond to my email and intimate the present status of bug resolution.



Sorry for the inconvenience. Yes, this request is still being considered by our developer. We are a bit limited in dev resources, but we are looking for new developers and will review your request as soon as possible.

I hope for your understanding.

Dear Andrii,

  1. I understand your constraints, however, how can one have a marketplace where refunds cannot be made due to inaccuracies in the theme? The entire project is stalled because of this reason. There is no work around till you rectify the fault. Incorrect calculation of financials like Vendor Payout and Vendor Commission can invite legal issues.

  2. Moreover, you have released another theme named Meeting Hive, without even rectifying bugs in your existing themes and extentions. Those who purchase this new theme will also have same problems and won’t be able to launch their site.

  3. Refunds (atleast full refund) is a fundamental requirement of the experthive theme and I request if you could kindly rectify the bug on priority. I am sanguine that you will understand my concern and the trust reposed by me in your team.


Hi Satwinder,

  1. Sorry for all the delays. We are indeed pretty understaffed at the moment, but looking to hire 2 more developers and expect the first one to start in May so this will speed up the development.

  2. Yes, this is a simultaneous process, and any software has bugs (even something like iOS), this is a part of a common development cycle. If we waited for all the bugs to be fixed before offering any premium products we’d have to hide all the themes from the store, but this would be the end of HivePress maintenance for sure.

  3. Yes, I understand that it’s crucial. We’re currently not developing any themes and focused on the roadmap so Marketplace will get frequent updates. Please send as much detail as possible regarding this issue via email, this will help us to research the issue during the next update process.

Thanks for your understanding

Dear Ihor,

Your assurance is encouraging and I am sure your team will do their best. The said issue has been described by me in detail on email and I am sure a high priority would be given to fixing financials (refunds, commissions, vendor balance,etc.).


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