Locations for Imported Listings


I am currently testing with the Import extension. Importing listings seems to work fine except for the Location (geolocation).

I have a Location in my csv data e.g. “London, United Kingdom” which does get imported, but only as text - it is not appearing however on Google Maps as a pin and is therefore not searchable either.

I found this old post about this same issue:

So, I tried using the snippet provided (I put this snippet in my child-themes functions.php file, which I assume was correct placement?)… However, it appears to have no effect.

Can you confirm if I am using the snippet correctly or what else I can try?



Please view this doc to add PHP snippet correctly: How to add custom code snippets - HivePress Help Center

​I hope this is helpful to you.

Hi andrii,

It looks like I was adding the PHP snippet the correct way - the problem was I did not know exactly what change to expect… Now I realize that the snippet simply adds Latitude and Longitude fields to the Import Listing form.

I misunderstood this before and thought the snippet would somehow automatically add missing lat/long data to existing listings that were missing this… Now I know this is not the intention of the snippet, I fully understand how this works and I can now successfully re-import listings with this data - which also works for me too since I am still in early development!

Thanks :+1: