Membership with Subsriptions

Hi! We have your paid Membership extention and Woocommerce Subsriptions. I have to manually grant membership every time someone extends access to the product. How can this be set up? Please help!

Maybe it should be connected with another plugin?


Please check this topic WooCommerce Subscriptions Integration

So I understand that Woocommerce Subsriptions (recurring payment) will be connected to Membership (access plans will be automatically extended) when I also purchase Marketplace?

Please answer me :slight_smile:


Unfortunately, this plugin does not work with the Memberships extension yet, but we plan to add this feature in the next updates. It only works with the Marketplace extension, as mentioned in the thread I sent you earlier.

Thank you for your answer. When will this update be available? I need to know this because whether we stay on HivePress depends on it. Currently, manually updating the plans of Users who subscribe and do not renew them in Membership is risky and makes no sense from a business point of view.

In many threads on the forum, I see that you are planning to introduce some features, but it has not happened for a long time.

Therefore, I am asking for details of the update plan when this will happen. Especially since we have purchased additional extensions in HivePress, which currently do not meet their goals due to the lack of integration with key options for this platform.

I am asking for your understanding and your honest answer :slight_smile:


Currently, we’re working on the public roadmap with estimates for HivePress and each extension, it will be completed next week. Once we define the releases queue, it will be possible to provide an ETA for Memberships.

Is this likely to work with “Woocommerce Membership” paid plugin? So, assigning membership plans to Woocommerce Membership and combining it with a subscription?

Unfortunately it will not work this way, the HivePress Memberships extension will not detect the linked subscription product automatically. If you want to restrict all the pages it may work though, e.g. if WooCommerce Memberships extension has options for restricting custom post types (listing is a custom post type in WordPress).

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