Renewal of listings with payment options

As described here: Renew listing does not work - Bug Reports - HivePress Community, paid listings are now renewed free of charge. Renewal should redirect the customer to payment options page.

Sorry for the delay, we plan to update this extension within 2 weeks or less.

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Amazing news, thank you!

This is very much needed, hope to it implemented very soon.

What is the status of this?

We’ll try to release an update for Paid Listings this week.

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Renewal with payment is still not working. What is the current schedule for this update?

My business is already running, so I really hope this will be fixed soon. Thank you.

We’re currently re-organizing the development process and will set the updates queue this week, we’ll make it public (along with the roadmap this month). So updates will finally become predictable. Sorry for the inconvenience.

Ok, where can I find this information, updates queue and schedule for them?


The information will be published as soon as we finish reviewing all the bugs and feature requests.

It would be nice to know some sort of reliable schedule for this update. These changes were supposed to go live in September (referring to this discussion).

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I’m sorry for the delay. We’re assembling the final roadmap this week, so unfortunately there’s no reliable schedule yet, but we understand that this bug is critical, so it will be fixed in the next Paid Listings update for sure. Thanks for your understanding.

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