Replace the "Register" link on the Sign-In modal with a link to my own registration page

Hi, im using the listinghive theme and im trying to replace the “Register” link on the Sign-In button with a link to my own registration page.

I’ve tried and followed this previous thread to the best I could being a newbie at customizing php files. (How to change 'register'-link in login form to custom link) - I created a Child Theme, put my own URL in place of #user_register_modal in the function.php code using Theme Editor …but it just didnt work to the point that my wordpress crashed & im rebuilding it again. If anyone could help, I’d much appreciate it. Thank you in advance.


Sorry for the inconvenience, but customization is beyond our support scope - it includes fixing bugs and guidance about the available features Support Policy | HivePress

If customizations are required for your site, please try customizing it using the collection of code snippets Search · user:hivepress · GitHub and other developer resources, or consider hiring someone for custom work

Also, you can check this doc How to override template parts - HivePress Help Center

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