Show add listing in mobile view

Is there a way, we can make it more clear that on the mobile by pressing the green listing that they are indeed adding a listing. As to someone who has never visited your desktop version, it would appear you are simply pressing the + to create a profile. Not great for conversions of the value of what a listing can give them? Any ideas?


You want to replace the role of the button by a redirection to a login form, is that it ?

I guess the words ‘add a listing’ instead of just the green + is not possible in mobile view? Or is it an option? Perhaps at the very least, the form they get to when they press the green + button either on desktop or mobile, there could be more explanation that they can add their listing, they just need to sign up first. Change the wording. How do we get to this form to amend it?


Please check the solution in this topic Show the Add Listing button text on mobile - #2 by lordcyberrr

​I hope this is helpful to you.

Thank you that is great!

Entered this under: Appearance - Customise and then scrolled to the bottom to enter this Additional CSS code.

.hp-menu--site-header button span{
	display: inline !important;

.hp-menu--site-header button i:first-child{
	margin-right: 0.5rem !important;

Non techy here and worked like a charm! Thankyou!

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