Translating Custom Attributes and their Descriptions with multilanguage


I’m trying to make my site multilingual, which I think is a very important factor in generating traffic. My site must be in two languages regardless. The translation plugins available all seem to have flaws, especially when trying to integrate with HivePress. I’ve found one which allows me to add meta titles and descriptions, even within HivePress attributes, which is needed for good SEO. The one downside is that it can’t translate all text. It naturally translates the set attributes on the ‘Add Listing’ page which are Title and Description, plus other words like the ‘Add Listing’ button in the top right, sign in, Write a Review, Report Listing etc. because these are set in the POT file. But when I create my own attributes for the Add Listing page, lets say ‘City’, ‘Region’ and ‘Country’ as examples, those words aren’t translated as they aren’t set as strings in the POT file.

When a user signs in to their account in their language and adds a listing, I need for them to see each attribute, plus the description of the attribute, in their language. Is there a way to add strings to the POT file for the attributes and attribute descriptions I create? Or is there a snippet I can add to the functions file that would allow me to link up strings with the POT file? As far as I can see Loco Translate only shows the set strings in HivePress and not custom attributes that we create.

Thanks very much


Unfortunately, this version has no 100% integration with WPML (multi-language).

Please try following the suggestions regarding multi-language integration here Integration with WPML - #6 by ihor

​I hope this is helpful to you.

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