WooCommerce Multi Currency converter error

I recently bought the WooCommerce Multi Currency plugin through Envato market, I configured it in WordPress with the default currency being the US dollar. I have a problem that it does not convert correctly, it only changes the currency symbol and maintains the currency value without applying the exchange rate as seen in the attached screenshot.

I also tried the WooCommerce Multilingual & Multicurrency with WPML plugin and had the same issue.

Following a comprehensive investigation, it was identified that there is a conflict between “HivePress + HivePress Marketplace + Rentalhive” plugins and Multi Currency converter plugin on my website. Upon reviewing of this plugin, it has been discovered that it lacks support for hooks/filters necessary to ensure compatibility.

Please, could you help me correct it?


This is how the converters work: they overwrite the price via JS on the frontend, but there are no backend hooks. It is possible to use this plugin WOOCS – Currency Switcher for WooCommerce Professional – WordPress plugin | WordPress.org or another currency switcher plugin for WooCommerce. Also, please check WooCommerce documentation or support to find up-to-date information on how to set up multicurrency on your website.
But please note that these changes are for display purposes only, the checkout page will display the primary currency, which is necessary for calculating the commission, etc.

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