How do I change the button “List a property”


  1. Please check this doc How to translate RentalHive - HivePress Help Center

  2. You can change guest string using Loco Translate; please check this doc How to change any static text - HivePress Help Center. Please note that you can find this string in Loco Translate > Plugins > Bookings.

  3. Yes, it is possible but it will require additional customization.

  4. ​Please send more details about the issue; we will do our best to help you.

  5. Yes, it is possible but will require additional customization.

  6. Unfortunately, this version has no 100% integration with WPML (multi-language).
    Please try following the suggestions regarding multi-language integration here Integration with WPML - #6 by ihor
    Regarding multicurrency, please check this topic WooCommerce Multi Currency converter error.

  7. Please check these docs:

​I hope this is helpful to you.