Allow users to publish requests, but only if they have paid membership plan

Good day.

Is it possible to use membership with request plug-in on rentalhive.

I would like to allow users to publish requests, but only if they have paid membership package.

What are the restrictions?


Sorry, there’s no simple code snippet for this, it would require a custom implementation. But we plan to add these features in the next updates Add paid packages to requests, Add monetization options for requests and offers

This request was mentioned in May by @AmandaB , how long do this updates take?

Is there a way to keep up with the latest updates. Are they sent to my email address?


As soon as we update a particular extension, the update will be available automatically in WP Dashboard > Updates if you have a license key installed in HivePress > Settings > Integrations > HivePress Store. You can also subscribe to the email newsletter on the themes or extensions page Extensions | HivePress

I’m waiting for this feature to purchase my next theme. Please keep me updated.

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