Exact address shows in search results + MapBox not showing + date selection error

Yes, we plan to improve this by adding booking mode settings on 3 levels: global, per-category and per-listing.

Sorry, there’s no such option yet, these are the default marker/group colors but we plan to add some API or options for customizing this.

Excellent. Do you have an ETA on this?

ok great. Do you have an ETA on this?

Is there any way to make the banner an auto scrolling gallery? e.g. choose many images, banner loads to a random image, then auto scrolls onto the next and the next

Please make sure that you use the latest Bookings version, and the listing page is not cached. If this issue persists, please send a link to this listing.

Unfortunately I can’t provide an ETA yet, we’re in the process of hiring more developers (at least 2) and there’s a queue of extensions, but Marketplace and Bookings are our main products so they get more frequent updates.

If you mean the listing gallery this would require customizations, but for the home page banner there may be a third-party plugin for this purpose.

Nice to have functionality:
When you enter the keyword in the search and hit enter it goes to the search results page.
When you enter your words in the Location and hit enter, nothing.
Would ideally go to the search results page as well

Thanks for reporting this issue - seems to be a bug, the date field has the min. date set to “today” and it overrides the offset, will be fixed in the next update.

We’ll try to improve the search form UX.

Great, thank you :slight_smile:

Another issue
After booking, but not paying, the booking shows as a red icon in the menu of the User. Which is great. Then, when they go to see the Bookings, the bookings are listed, but it’s only a very small credit card icon that can be clicked to allow them to make the payment.
People will get confused, it should be a very large clickable icon with text “Click to pay”
Edit: You can also click the text “Booking #…” to pay. But, I think it needs to be clearer

Another issue
Somehow an additional service from a booking hasn’t been cleaned out. The system currently thinks it needs to add it to the above booking that is requiring payment.

I’ve deleted all test bookings, cleaned the cache. Logged out and in. No change.
Perhaps the code is missing to clean out the Additional Services amounts/details?

  1. Yes, in the list view an icon is displayed, but there’s a primary Pay Now button if you open a booking. Changing the icon to a text in the list view is possible in the current version, but this would require CSS tweaks or overriding this icon via a child theme.

  2. Please make sure that you haven’t selected this service on booking, if you try to re-book anything or click Pay Now then there’s a function that empties cart so all the details should be added from scratch on checkout.

Another issue
SMTP plugin installed the emails are coming from the chosen email address/name.
But, only some.
For example, the New Order email is correct
But, the Password Changed, New User Registration, Booking Confirmed, Order Received are all still coming from the WordPress name. I’m currently using the “Easy WP SMTP Settings” plugin.
Is this known to not work with your system?

ok, fair enough. That should suffice.

  1. Thanks for reporting this issue, it seems to be a bug because booking requests don’t have associated orders yet, so specific pricing details may be missing until the payment.

  2. Please try using YaySMTP. If there’s no caching, the email address should be changes for all emails, we use the core wp_mail function for sending emails and it should be compatible.

Additional feature suggestion
Income calculator - prospective hosts can choose various options and be provided with a prospective monthly/yearly income

It might have to be with the Listings additional services not being deleted.

Ok, will swap to YaySMTP and see how it goes

Thanks, we’ll try to add more options for this. Recently we added more details to the order table, showing host’s profit for each order (previously there was just an account balance and a revenue chart).

How do you arrange the menu items in the Logged In Menu ?
The menu with the Dashboard, Listings, etc

This menu is generated by HivePress, unfortunately it’s not editable in Appearance/Menus directly, but it’s possible to move specific menu items using a code snippet.

I’ve had reports from users that pages don’t load properly in various devices.
I’ve tested the reality in Blisk and generally pages load ok.
However, it seems the Search is breaking things and the pages aren’t loaded. Do you know what is happening and how to fix it? I’ve got a video showing the reality, but it won’t let me upload. So, I’ve uploaded
