If a host refunds part of the fee, will the system update their earnings as well as the total platform commission automatically?

If a host refunds part of the fee, will the system update their earnings as well as the total platform commission automatically?

EX: a transaction goes through for $100. There is a 5% platform commission, so the hosts earnings are $95. If they refund $50 later, will the hosts earnings change from $95 to $47.50, and will my earnings as be automatically adjusted as well, from $5.00 to $2.50?


After complete earnings, the funds appear on the balance sheet, and nothing can be changed after the return. Complete order is the final decision to confirm that everything is successful.

In the event that there is an error in the charge, how can we issue refunds after the order is set to complete, given that the system currently auto-completes orders?


Please note that we have a simple deposit system, but as we said earlier, we will try to improve it.
After an order has received the completed status, we recommend that you do not make a refund, as you may end up with a negative amount on your balance.

Of course it wouldn’t be the goal to have to fix something, but let’s say that the order was completed, and then something came up after to cause a discount or refund to be owed. How can we do that?


It all depends on the situation. For example, if a customer has booked a $100 booking with one of the vendors and the booking is successful. After that, when the funds become available, the vendor makes a payout on this $100. And then, when the refund is made, the vendor will have to somehow return the funds back to you so that there are no problems with the balances. But, this is possible if you have manual payouts and, for example, pay vendors once a month after the 15th of the following month, then you will always have at least 2 weeks before the payout to make a refund, if any.

Thanks, but does the system update the earnings when a refund is applied? I tested and it doesn’t seem that it does (BUG), but I’m not sure if this is related to the other bug (Earning Payout With Refunds Issue - #8 by mzc0001)


Yes, when the status of any order changes, funds will be recalculated there, but not when you use Stripe Connect. If you make a refund, for example, when you have Manual Payouts enabled, these funds will be withdrawn from the vendor’s balance, which means the balance will be recalculated.

@andrii Can you elaborate on what you mean by “not when you use stripe connect”? What should be used instead?

ALSO: This does appear to be a bug and not functioning as intended. Please test –

In the test I just did, when I issued a refund on the order, the order page does not update the platform commissions or the earnings line items to reflect the refund. The refund line item shows up, but the earnings and platform fees stay the same. At the very least, the earnings line should update to reflect the corrected earnings post-refund.

Additionally, it causes some kind of issue with the platform fee item. Sometimes it shows an additional $2.85 being added to the platform fees, and, now it’s showing an additional $4.58. Please see the before and after attached.

NOTE: I DO NOT HAVE the $2.85 set as a fee. I originally had a flat 5% fee, and now have a 5% + $.30. There is for sure a bug here.


It all depends on the choice, you can choose, for example, the Manual Payout method in the settings, depending on which Marketplace you have. With Stripe Connect, payouts are automatic for each order separately when it receives the completed status (if there is a refund after the payout, it will not reverse the payout), but vendors will have to use Stripe Connect and create Stripe accounts. With Manual Payouts, the website displays a payout request form and any manual payout method. I recommend reading the documentation in more detail: How to set up payouts - HivePress Help Center

Thanks for the clarification; I’m doing manual payout methods so all clear.

@andrii what about the bug identified above? This is a blocker and liability. NOTE: I moved the question/report about the platform fee being weird after a refund here, so that this thread can be used to discuss/fix the first issue –
“In the test I just did, when I issued a refund on the order, the order page does not update the platform commissions or the earnings line items to reflect the refund. The refund line item shows up, but the earnings and platform fees stay the same. At the very least, the earnings line should update to reflect the corrected earnings post-refund.”


Regarding the bug, you have already created a corresponding thread, and we have confirmed this bug.

@andrii -

Can you please confirm that you all are aware and working on all three bugs? I’m worried that with the back and forth, things are confused. They may all be tied to the same thing, but I just need to verify:

  1. BUG 1: In the case that a refund is issued, the host earnings are not being updated to reflect the refunded amount. (Earning Payout With Refunds Issue)

  2. BUG 2: When a refund is issued, the platform is adding in a new, additional fee to the platform commission line item that is not set or controlled by the admin. It only shows after a refund is issued. (Earning Payout With Refunds Issue)

  3. BUG 3: Earnings to Admin are not updated when a refund is applied. (If a host refunds part of the fee, will the system update their earnings as well as the total platform commission automatically? - #12 by andrii)

Thank you for waiting.

  1. This bug is confirmed and is already in the test stage. So it will be released as soon as possible

  2. This fee is added to the order to calculate vendor earnings correctly.

  3. If you mean earnings on the order page, it is similar to the first bug. If you mean earnings that the vendor sees in the dashboard, then it updates only when an order gets or loses Completed or Refunded statuses

Thank you Yevhen!
Can you explain more on #2? Using specifics and numbers?

Hey @yevhen, following up here, thanks!

Thank you for waiting.

There are Security Deposit and Platform Fee (which look like a fee in HivePress/Settings/Users/Commission Rate). So, adding a fee on the order page is needed to correctly calculate vendor earnings with these values, which the vendor does not receive, for example, like in this screenshot. The vendor commission rate is set to 10%. So it is necessary to get 10% from the Security Deposit and Service Fee (which will be $108 in sum on the screenshot) and subtract it from the total vendor earnings.

Hi @yevhen,
I don’t follow this at all.

Can you please explain the math step by step for where the $108 (in your screenshot example) comes from?

In your example, there is a the item cost ($100) and a security deposit ($100), which add up to $200.

There is also a $20 service fee, which would not be paid by the vendor but rather by the user, so it shouldn’t be taken into consideration.

Then $50 is refunded from the $220, so that brings the total for the order to $170.

The earnings are calculated off of only the subtotal, so the $90 makes sense, as it would ($100 - ($100*.10)).

BUT I still can’t make heads or tails of the $108.

Please advise.

Thank you for waiting. $108 in the commission field is 10% of the Security Deposit and Service fee on the screenshot, which is not included in the vendor earnings, so they are excluded from vendor earnings as additional commission

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